Why Run?

Long distance running is 90 percent mental and the other half is physical.

Rich Davis

Sorry for the long delay in writing this new post. I have already gone into why I decided to become a runner. It has changed my life in the best way possible. Running has showed me how far I can go mentally. It is not for everyone, but if you put in the time and effort, you will be rewarded in ways you wouldn’t expect.

When I first started running, I did it with my dog Bailey. She loved the exercise and I liked feeling that burning in my lungs. I would run around my sub-division, which was only about half a mile, but I never really ran much before that, so that was a long distance for me. Within about 3 weeks, I would run without Bailey and would go about 3 miles. Nothing fast, and I would be dying by the end of it. I loved every minute of it though. From the burning in my lungs, to the ache in my legs, to even having my arms hurt from pumping them for about 40 minutes. The feeling that I would get after running was incredible. I would feel physically tired, but mentally reinvigorated. Getting to run every day was an awesome primer for the day ahead. I was less stressed and healthier than I had ever been, all thanks to running.

I’m not saying everyone should run. If you have something you do that gets you active and have an outlet to relieve stress, do what works for you. If you are looking for something though, try it. Just know that it is difficult to begin with, but if you stick with it, you’ll be rewarded in ways you couldn’t imagine. Running has taken me to highs I haven’t been to and lows I would prefer not to go back to. However, even in those lows, it showed me how tough I can be and that bouncing back is possible. Through all the injuries I’ve learned how to train smarter and when to rest a nagging pain. In the long runs I’ve learned mental toughness that I hadn’t previously thought possible. Running had also shown me an amazing community that is as supportive and welcoming as I’ve ever seen. The running community makes running so much more fun than it is on its own.

Running has been a blessing for me, and one that I never thought I’d enjoy. Again, running isn’t for everyone, but if you are looking for an outlet and want to have an amazing experience, give it a shot. Anyone looking to start running, please don’t hesitate to ask me about it. I love talking about running and would love to give tips and advice to anyone about it. There are even tips that you’d never think about until it impacts you(Nipple tape is really important). So please reach out if you have any questions!

Bailey, my first running partner

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